Keep Your Fleet Running Year-Round.

Fleet Maintenance

Owning and managing a fleet is enough to think about, not to mention huge expenses with cost of parts, finding a good, reliable mechanic to maintain your units, scheduling services, and keeping up on minor repairs is crucial to prevent high shop cost and lengthy downtime at your annual or semi annual inspections. Not to mention roadside break downs which could lead to towing bills, and having to put your unit in the hands of the closest available shop, hoping they have the parts and availability to get your unit fixed and back to work.

There is a way to not only LOWER COSTS and downtime, but also to prevent untimely breakdowns, and possible delays in shipments to customers. Let Imperative take care of your fleet maintenance / service and repairs.

Putting your fleet in our hands means on-going routine mechanical and safety check-ups, from taking brake and tire measurements, making adjustments, to replacing filters and fluids, greasing units, to keeping up on regular minor repairs such as lights, air leaks, brakes, failed components and more. These are the best preventative measures in keeping emergencies few and far between and your units operating smoothly at full capacity making you money!

We will work with you to develop a plan to service your fleet on time, on schedule and on budget while lowering the chance of on-road breakdowns. With the flexibility of a mobile mechanic you will receive quality service anywhere, anytime - saving you significant money and extending the life of your trucks and trailers.


Competitive Rates - GUARANTEED

All our custom-made PM checklist report sheets are signed by a licensed and certified commercial transport mechanic.

We keep records - Inspection due dates, repairs completed, future repairs needed, service due dates, tire & brake measurements, and more.

We will identify parts warranty failures.

Personal mechanic 24/7 that knows your fleet.

ONLY Licensed and Certified mechanics will work on and service your units.

We put in that extra effort when checking your vehicle - we clean off dirt/dust build up on your lamps as an official check/service on your PM reports.